OK. I got the configuration as advised. The raid controller is MegaRAID SAS 9266-4i.
But 9.0-RELEASE does not seem to boot. It stops with messages like (rewritten manually):
mpt0: <LSILogic SAS/SATA adapter> ... on pci131
mpt0: soft/hard reset failed: device not running
mpt0: mpt_reset: failed hard reset (0:0)
mpt0: mpt_reset: failed hard reset (0:1)
why the mpt device shows up - is it mfi misrecognized?
9.1-RCx (image which is available today) seems to start and reporting:
mfi0: <ThunderBolt> ... on pci131
Why 9.0 has a problem? I initially suspected that mpt was some onboard device of the motherboard,
but the same pci location in both cases indicates that it is just the 9266-4i.
Is there a way to get 9.0 running? I would like to get the hardware into production and I am OK with
9.0 for now, while 9.1 is still RC.
Post by Michael FucknerHi all,
haven't seen this board, but should work.
The LSI Card is crappy. You should pick a real HBA (9211-4i, mps-driver) or a
real Raid Card (9260/9261- single core or 9265/9266 dual core mfi). Not
something in between...
Post by Ireneusz PlutaHello,
will this motherboard
http://www.supermicro.com/products/motherboard/xeon/c600/x9drd-if.cfm with
MegaRAID 9240-4i run smoothly with current FreeBSD release?
I was given this proposal for a server hardware from my local reseller.